
  • The Runes of the first four fields of perceptions support us to master life in the reality of form. They help us to clear our distortions and refine our expression through the meridian system, the chakras, and the inner parts of the psyche that make up what is referred to as the Inner Family. As we clear, refine and activate through their power, we move out of linear time and the repetitive cycles of a programmed life, and enter into exponential time, where we become center and pivot of our reality. No longer at the effect but now cause, we gain mastery over our lives. This product contains rune integrations through the first four fields to refine life in the physical reality. The integrations are a convenient way to take in their power in a meditative manner for profound change. This product is recommended for anyone wishing to explore the power of the runes for guidance and clearing, and to prepare for Rune Mastery. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • Fields of Perception 1-4

    29,00 ex. VAT (EU)
    The Runes of the first four fields of perceptions support us to master life in the reality of form. They help us to clear our distortions and refine our expression through the meridian system, the chakras, and the inner parts of the psyche that make up what is referred to as the Inner Family. As we clear, refine and activate through their power, we move out of linear time and the repetitive cycles of a programmed life, and enter into exponential time, where we become center and pivot of our reality. No longer at the effect but now cause, we gain mastery over our lives. This product contains rune integrations through the first four fields to refine life in the physical reality. The integrations are a convenient way to take in their power in a meditative manner for profound change. This product is recommended for anyone wishing to explore the power of the runes for guidance and clearing, and to prepare for Rune Mastery. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • 24 Tones of the hour

    14,50 ex. VAT (EU)
    The Bird Clock is a powerful manifestation tool that dissolves boundaries across meridians, fields, and levels of existence, revealing life and emerging potentials, layers deep. When the membranes between meridians, and between the 3 parallel realities of spirit, soul, and body (head, heart, gut) dissolve, we operate from wholeness, and have access to far greater insight and power to manifest deliberately. Without membranes, operating as a unified field, all resources and information across dimensions is accessible to you, and all that you do impacts on all levels. Living the tones of the hours supports a return to Whole Being Flourishing in the deepest sense. The product comes with a clock that tells you the Tone of the Hour, which is Infinite Intent which the song birds sing on Earth, hence it is called the Bird Clock. Cooperating with the tone of the hour and following the guided action given, as inspired, puts you in sync and cooperative harmony with unfolding cosmic intent in the moment, and helps you to see and sense beneath appearances. Life is streamlined and unfolds more gracefully. This Clock product is not the Bird Clock process, but helps you live the tones through the day. It is easily incorporated as an inspiration and refinement to daily life.
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