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  • 24 Tones of the hour

    14,50 ex. VAT (EU)
    The Bird Clock is a powerful manifestation tool that dissolves boundaries across meridians, fields, and levels of existence, revealing life and emerging potentials, layers deep. When the membranes between meridians, and between the 3 parallel realities of spirit, soul, and body (head, heart, gut) dissolve, we operate from wholeness, and have access to far greater insight and power to manifest deliberately. Without membranes, operating as a unified field, all resources and information across dimensions is accessible to you, and all that you do impacts on all levels. Living the tones of the hours supports a return to Whole Being Flourishing in the deepest sense. The product comes with a clock that tells you the Tone of the Hour, which is Infinite Intent which the song birds sing on Earth, hence it is called the Bird Clock. Cooperating with the tone of the hour and following the guided action given, as inspired, puts you in sync and cooperative harmony with unfolding cosmic intent in the moment, and helps you to see and sense beneath appearances. Life is streamlined and unfolds more gracefully. This Clock product is not the Bird Clock process, but helps you live the tones through the day. It is easily incorporated as an inspiration and refinement to daily life.
  • Fields of Perception 1-4

    29,00 ex. VAT (EU)
    The Runes of the first four fields of perceptions support us to master life in the reality of form. They help us to clear our distortions and refine our expression through the meridian system, the chakras, and the inner parts of the psyche that make up what is referred to as the Inner Family. As we clear, refine and activate through their power, we move out of linear time and the repetitive cycles of a programmed life, and enter into exponential time, where we become center and pivot of our reality. No longer at the effect but now cause, we gain mastery over our lives. This product contains rune integrations through the first four fields to refine life in the physical reality. The integrations are a convenient way to take in their power in a meditative manner for profound change. This product is recommended for anyone wishing to explore the power of the runes for guidance and clearing, and to prepare for Rune Mastery. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • The Runes of the first four fields of perceptions support us to master life in the reality of form. They help us to clear our distortions and refine our expression through the meridian system, the chakras, and the inner parts of the psyche that make up what is referred to as the Inner Family. As we clear, refine and activate through their power, we move out of linear time and the repetitive cycles of a programmed life, and enter into exponential time, where we become center and pivot of our reality. No longer at the effect but now cause, we gain mastery over our lives. This product contains rune integrations through the first four fields to refine life in the physical reality. The integrations are a convenient way to take in their power in a meditative manner for profound change. This product is recommended for anyone wishing to explore the power of the runes for guidance and clearing, and to prepare for Rune Mastery. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • Fields of Perception 5-8

    29,00 ex. VAT (EU)
    The fields of perceptions of the deeper feminine etheric reality are the ones through which our eternal self and the potentials to change the patterns of life come from. Activating presence and heightened awareness on these fields increases our power to manifest a self-sovereign, real environment in alignment with Divine Intent. The inner feminine reality has 9/10th of the power to manifest, and through gaining access and awareness on these deeper dimensions, we begin to tap into great creative power. The fields of the feminine reality, in which we are in oneness, activate the 8 extraordinary meridians - the flows of Source. Through mastering these fields, we may cooperate with these mighty flows of manifestation power to such a degree that we become inseparable from the Source of our existence. They also activate the higher chakras. This product contains rune integrations through fields 5 to 8, to deepen our power to manifest a higher life from the eternal part of our being. The integrations are a convenient way to take in the power of these runes in a meditative manner for profound change. This product is recommended for anyone wishing to explore the power of the runes for guidance and clearing, as well as for preparation for Rune Grand Mastery. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • High Alchemy: Qi Vesta

    180,99 ex. VAT (EU)
    Exiting the matrix of existence of illusion and entering into Oneness is realized through the leveraging power of the Alchemy of the One. NOTE: THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT! Qi Vesta is the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • Outer Sense Organ Protocols

    75,00 ex. VAT (EU)
    Activation of the Eight Outer Sense Organs ~ To manifest a higher life For the Merging of Inner and Outer Space The 12 ordinary meridians are the 'rivers of your life' - the pathways of life force through which you manifest your dreams into form, from the subtler levels of reality. Their intelligence evolves the body to be able to manifest a self-sovereign life. Each meridian associates with an organ of the body and an outer sense organ (smell, taste, sight, etc). The organs store trauma and unprocessed past events, and the sense organs store the memories of those traumas, which hinders the ability to manifest a life beyond old wounding.  When cleared of distorting memories, the sense organs operate at their higher functions: sensing the potential inherent in each moment, and perceiving the 'wonderful becoming' to bring about heaven on earth. the Runes of the Infinite Mother are the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
  • Out of stock

    Rune cards

    144,50 ex. VAT (EU)
    A beautiful and functional Rune Cards Set consisting of seven sets of 96 cards each. The information and Runes from the Book of Runes form the basis of this set consisting of 672 individual cards. It is the basis and recommended for working with the Runes. Please contact us for a shipping estimate.
  • Rune database browse and search

    22,50 ex. VAT (EU)
    Add full access to the Rune database to your Rune Mastery Free access. Browse the cards and search through all 734 cards of the 8 fields of perception. This feature is part of the different Rune Mastery subscriptions.
  • The 13 Joints – Portals of Transcendence

    32,50 ex. VAT (EU)
    The 13 Joints are the portals to transcendent consciousness on all 7 fields of perception. Transcendence is necessary to leave the triad of linear change, and move into the resurrected state.

    Art by: Phoebe Surana

  • The Divinity Quest

    130,00 ex. VAT (EU)
    Activating The Higher Matrix of Godhood in Your DNA
    Through ages of existence of cycles of life, death and ascension, there are those great lights on Earth who have felt the deep anguish of knowing that the reality of man is not their own; that a higher reality beckons. The Seer Almine has laid down a map for the magnificent journey home to the greater reality of godhood. The Divinity Quest (DQ) contains 65 divination cards, each with a message, power Sigil and Angel god. Also included are:
    • 3 Guidance Spreads
    • The protocol for DNA activation to awaken the qualities of godhood.
    • Short audios that elaborate on each principle.
    Not only is the Divinity Quest a system of guidance, but also of healing and DNA activation, as the sigils work in you to clear illusion. As you align to the guidance, your DNA is activated and new qualities become available for you to express. And so they are much more than a system of guidance or divination, but each of the 65 sigils is a DNA activation in its own right, and using them daily for guidance or contemplation provides a path of accelerated awakening - something that is invaluable at the present time of evolution. The sigils on the divination cards are a most ancient and sacred script called Eskaragots. The 65 sigils each have their own Angel god and form an alphabet used by the gods who once walked the Earth. They provide activation in the DNA through higher perception. They serve to:
    • support those stepping up as lightworkers to remember who they are and their role in evolution,
    • activate humanity into higher DNA templates, to heal and repair the DNA from damage done by all manner of interference, mind control, and lies,
    • cultivate a higher entrainment field of tonal luminosity around a person, so that illusion is dissolved in their presence.
    They contain the power of combined tone and light and can be used as power objects to emphasize the aspects they represent, in your life. Use their presence in your workspace, where you sleep, or on your altar. Calling on the Angel god by name, you may request its assistance, for in having access to these sacred Sigils, they have become your allies. It is a priceless Tool for those on a path of awakening.
    The Alchemy of the 65 Cards
    The number of cards, 65, is an alchemical number. The cards form an alchemical equation that leverages the power to activate the hidden center of the body known as the High Heart, which brings online the power to merge inner and outer space. This is essential in having spirituality become a power that 'grows corn' so to speak, and the net result is that intent becomes manifested with grace, and outside of the law of compensation. Your power source to manifest is not from external sources, but rather it comes from yourself as part of the alchemical equation. As you embody the higher principles, you release density from body and life, and that is the fuel that manifests a higher order life. That there are 65 cards is very significant. It is 13 times 5....through working with the cards and the alchemy, we are supporting the move from centralized mind that has 13 fragmented aspects, to a decentralized mind, or the mind of the 5 elements. And that is how we spiritualize matter and leave the matrix and collective pain body of mankind. The element tones are a song that shapes the forms in our reality, and they are the substance of Infinity. This is an invaluable addition on your journey to self-sovereignty. NOTE: THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT! The Divinity Quest (DQ) is the original work of Almine, Spiritual Journeys, LLC
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